This is our most important fundraising event of the year.
The proceeds of this event make up the lion’s share of the money we give to the two non-profit organizations we serve; The Boys & Girls Club of Palm Springs and Pathfinder Ranch in Garner Valley. We donate over 90% of the funds raised. Your generosity will allow us to continue to fulfill that commitment. We welcome your support.
As a Pathfinder member it is your obligation to purchase one $300.00 ticket to the Gala, even if you are unable to attend. If you are unable to attend, then 100% of your ticket cost will be tax-deductible.
We invite you to join this event as a Corporate Sponsor or as a Family Foundation Sponsor. Download the PDF to learn more.
Roaring 20s Sponsorships.pdf
Palm Springs Pathfinders is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization
Tax ID 95-6093467
Palm Springs Pathfinders is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, California
P.O. BOX 5005
c/o Thunderbird Country Club Rancho Mirage, CA 92270